Asbestos abatement involves removing, encapsulating, or sealing asbestos-containing materials in homes and other structures. It follows strict regulations and processes to keep workers, residents or visitors safe.
Trained professionals will first seal off the area to prevent contamination from spreading. This may include sealing air ducts, disabling HVAC systems, and plasticizing walls, floors, and ceilings. Click to learn more.

The first step in asbestos abatement is to seal off the areas that contain the material. The team will use duct tape and special film to seal the area and prevent any more asbestos from entering the rest of the structure. They will also use a pressure machine to ensure that the area has negative air pressure, so the asbestos fibers cannot move from one place to another. The sealant will prevent any toxic fibers from becoming airborne, which can cause mesothelioma.
When you have the proper equipment and tools, you can start to remove the asbestos materials in your home. The process of removal will depend on the type of materials that are present in your home and how much of it you have. An industrial hygienist can help you determine what type of asbestos is in your home and how much of it needs to be removed. After the removal, your professional can help you come up with a plan for remediation.
The next step in the process is to prepare the worksite. A team of asbestos professionals will set up a decontamination area, a controlled access zone and an isolation zone to protect occupants. The contractors will wear protective clothing and respirators during the work. They will also set up a decontamination station where they can change into clean clothing before leaving the work site. They will also put up signs that warn people of the dangers of asbestos and how to avoid it.
If the work entails disturbing a threshold quantity of regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM), the contractor must follow specific abatement work practices. This includes any demolition, renovation or removal work that will expose a substantial amount of nonfriable RACM or a significant quantity of friable RACM in buildings that were originally constructed with a large percentage of RACM. In addition, the abatement company must provide a written record of its work to the building owner.
The contractor must also post warning signs around the worksite that read “DANGER, ASBESTOS, CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD; AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.” The work must be done by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor and it must be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The University Environmental Health & Safety project manager conducts unannounced inspections of all abatement jobs to make sure that the contractor is following all applicable regulations. A third party firm also conducts air testing outside of the work area to confirm that there is no asbestos contamination.
Asbestos abatement is a broad term that includes all processes required to effectively manage asbestos on a construction or demolition site. When a customer asks us for the total cost of asbestos abatement, they are referring to every service that will reduce or eliminate their risk of exposure during planned refurbishment, renovation or construction work.
Before any asbestos removal begins, professionals will inspect the area of your structure that has been contaminated to ensure it is safe to enter. This will include sealing air ducts, disabling HVAC systems and plasticizing walls, floors and ceilings. Once the contaminated area is sealed, it will be clearly marked as a hazardous zone and no one should be allowed inside.
If the professional determines that it is safe to begin, they will start by using their specialized equipment to remove any asbestos-containing materials. They will then double-bag the material and seal it in a container for proper disposal. After the process, your home or business will be reinspected to ensure that any remaining asbestos is not a danger to those who are in the building.
An inspection is also important for any contaminated areas that are part of a multi-employer worksites where asbestos work has been performed. Employers must ensure that their workers have been properly trained for class I work, which requires the use of critical barriers and negative pressure enclosures. They must also have a competent person in charge of the project.
On sites where the work will require the use of protective clothing and respirators, it is also a requirement that the worker is monitored for exposure. Any airborne concentrations above the permissible level should be reported and filed according to the asbestos abatement filing instructions.
In the case of a school, an inspector will check that any contractors performing asbestos-related tasks are qualified and licensed by the Department of Public Health. They will also review the asbestos management plans and inspect any abatement projects to ensure that they are being conducted safely.
Although asbestos is not a threat to anyone when it remains undisturbed, it can become dangerous if it is handled improperly. For this reason, it is always necessary to have a professional inspect your property for asbestos before you carry out any renovations or tear down old structures.
Asbestos abatement is a labor-intensive process that requires the use of special equipment. Workers must first set up containment for the work area. This includes sealing air ducts, disabling HVAC systems, and setting up negative pressure equipment. All surfaces that don’t need abating must be covered in plastic sheeting, and workers must wear protective gear including respirators and coveralls. Then, workers will use a specially designed vacuum system to remove asbestos-containing materials and dispose of them properly. The material is double-bagged in waste bags, sealed, and put in a designated trailer or dumpster with a protective poly lining. Once the abatement is complete, the work site is thoroughly sanitized and all air tests are taken to ensure that the home or building is safe for reoccupation.
Although asbestos is no longer used in building products, many older homes still contain asbestos. Because the mineral doesn’t burn, it was once used in insulation and fireproofing. However, if any of these materials are disturbed during renovation or construction, the toxic fibers can become airborne and cause health problems such as mesothelioma cancer and lung cancer. That’s why it’s important to have any resurfacing or demolition projects done by a qualified asbestos abatement company.
A qualified asbestos abatement contractor will perform an on-site evaluation and inspection to find potential ACMs. They will then take samples for lab analysis. They can walk you through the results and explain how they plan to handle the abatement. They should also be able to tell you how long they expect the abatement to take and how much it will cost.
Before the start of abatement activities, contractors must submit a notification to DOEE describing the size and scope of the work and stating whether the work falls under either the Class I or Class II asbestos abatement provisions. This 10-working-day notification requirement may be waived for bona fide emergencies.
While some DIYers may be tempted to try their hand at asbestos removal, it’s generally best left to the professionals. Doing so puts the health and safety of homeowners, workers, and passersby at risk. In addition to the health risks, violations of asbestos laws carry severe fines and penalties. These penalties are intended to discourage do-it-yourselfers and incentivize professional abatement companies to follow strict regulations to prevent exposure to dangerous levels of asbestos.
Licensed asbestos abatement professionals will carefully remove or encapsulate the hazardous materials to ensure that your building can pass a re-inspection. They will clean the entire area of your structure and use a specialized HEPA vacuum to remove any lingering debris from the work site. In order to ensure that the HEPA vacuum has not contaminated any other areas, an independent third-party inspection firm will conduct post-cleanup testing.
The contaminated materials are wetted prior to being double-bagged and enclosed in plastic, leak-proof containers for transport to a landfill that is designated to accept asbestos waste. This will help prevent any unauthorized people from bringing the asbestos into uncontaminated areas of your structure, which could cause future exposure to toxic asbestos fibers.
Workers wear disposable suits, hoods, gloves and shoe covers to avoid contaminating their clothing as they work with the contaminated asbestos. They must enter and exit the work area through a decontamination or “clean-up” room. In addition to wearing a respirator, the contractors will wipe down any tools or equipment between uses in the abatement area. They will also wipe down their clothes, shoes and equipment before they leave the abatement area.
Once the demolition and abatement process is complete, your regulated asbestos contractor will place a cleanroom tarp over all areas of the structure that were not part of the work. During this time, the professional will install a new vent system in order to keep airflow moving throughout your building. They will also install an air monitoring system that will alert them if the levels of contaminated asbestos fibers outside the abatement area exceed predetermined limits.
If any asbestos remains in your building, an industrial hygienist will help you create a long-term remediation plan. This can include a replacement for the materials that contained asbestos or a plan to seal the asbestos to ensure that it does not become airborne again.
The most common use for asbestos is in building materials, such as insulation and pipe wraps. However, it was also used in flooring, roofing and other building components. The mineral is known as a carcinogen that can lead to mesothelioma, asbestosis and other respiratory illnesses if inhaled. Since asbestos is no longer in use, the risk of developing mesothelioma and other diseases associated with it has decreased significantly. However, the dangerous materials can still pose a threat to many buildings and structures that contain them.